I feel like if I met Walt Whitman at a party I would think, "that guy is annoying and pretentious." When I expressed these thoughts to my boyfriend he was confused explaining that Whitman is one of his favorites. Am I ignorant? Incapable of understanding great writing? Or is it okay that Walk Whitman is just not up my alley?
What would I have done if I was African American and in the situation that the majority of African Americans were after the war?
What if Lincoln lived?
The Emily Dickinson poems seem very dark. Is it talking about murder? Death? Or both?
When do you think writers understand the cause behind a shift in style? Specifically from romanticism to realism.
When Walt Whitman refers to God is his poem, “Songof Myself” does he believe in a God similar to the Christian God? Was he a Christian?
What was life like for Emily Dickinson?
Is it really possible to separate Whitman’s ideology from his poetry even though this was an important reason behind his poetry?
When I finished the article, I wondered why, throughout this time in history, slave owners were so intent on catching runaway slaves.
I know during traumatic times (even in the personal life), people cling to what is most important to them. Is that some of the essence of romantic writing?
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