Sunday, March 18, 2012

Possible novels for the end of semester

Last class we briefly discussed the possibility of switching out some of the scheduled readings for a longer piece. I really like the idea, but I want to know what you think.

I've posted five possible novels after the break. If you would, please take a quick look and vote on your preference (you can do this in the comments of the post, or you can email me instead). Since everyone will have to buy the book, I've made sure that each novel costs less than $10. In most cases, you can get used copies for about $5.

I'll post a pic of the cover, the number of pages, a two-sentence summary, and the link to Amazon for each book. Please cast your vote no later than Thursday. (By the way, you can always vote to stick with the reading schedule and not read a novel.) We'll come to a decision as a class on Friday.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Continuing blog posts

Post 1
Due: Thursday, 11pm

Initial posts for the rest of the semester will all be open (with the exception of the final blog post). Some requirements—they must be at least 300 words, and they must relate to the reading that we will discuss for the upcoming class.

There are numerous ways to approach these posts. Below are some methods you might use. You can’t go wrong with one of these.
  • Analyze and/or interpret the week’s reading using one of the themes we’ve used in the course: gender, narrative structure, irony, imagery, the language of the text itself, or its historical context.
  • Compare and contrast the reading with texts we’ve previously covered.
  • Write about something from the reading that you found surprising or something that you didn’t understand.
  • Try to formulate one or two good discussion questions for the class, and then use your post to attempt to answer that/those question/s.

Post 2
Due: Tuesday, 11pm

Your second post should be a response to a blog from your small group. You should link to the blog that you’re responding to. Your response should in some way build upon, re-think, or disagree with (respectfully!) with the original post. These posts should be at least 150 words.